This paper is about the following type of problem:
given independent (not necessarily identically distributed) random
, find the `size' of
We will examine several ways to measure this size. The first will be through
tail distributions, that is,
Finding an exact
solution to this problem would be a dream of probabilists, so we
have to
temper our desires in some manner. In fact, this problem goes back to
foundations of probability in the following form: if the sequence
consists of random variables that are mean zero, identically
distributed and have finite variance, find the asymptotic value of
. This is answered, of
by the Central Limit Theorem, which tells us that the answer is the
distribution. There has been a tremendous amount of work on
this. We refer the reader to almost any advanced work on probability.
Our approach is different. Instead of seeking asymptotic solutions,
we will look for approximate solutions. That is, we seek a function
computed from
, such that there is a positive constant
The second
measurement of the size of
will be through
th moments,
Again, we shall be searching for approximate solutions, that is, finding
a quantity
such that there is a positive constant
so that
The third way that we shall look at is to find the size of
a rearrangement invariant space. This line of research was began by
Carothers and Dilworth (1988) who obtained results for Lorentz spaces,
and was completed by Johnson and Schechtman (1989). Our results will
give a comparison of the size of
in the rearrangement invariant
space with
, obtaining a greater control on the sizes of the
constants involved than the previous works.
Many of the results of this paper will be true for all sums of
independent random variables, even those that are vector valued, with
the following proviso. Instead of considering
the sum
, we will
consider the maximal function
We will define a property for sequences called the Lévy property,
which will imply that
is comparable to
. Sequences
with this Lévy property will include positive random
variables, symmetric random variables, and identically distributed
random variables. The result of this paper that gives the tail
distribution for
is only valid for real valued sequences of
random variables that satisfy the Lévy property. However the results
connecting the
and the rearrangement invariant norms to the
tail distributions of
are valid for
all sequences of vector valued independent random variables.
(Since this paper was submitted, Mark Rudelson pointed out to us
that some of the inequalities can be extended from
by a
simple symmetrization argument. We give details at the end of each
relevant section.)
Let us first give the historical context for these results, considering
first the problem of approximate formulae for the tail distribution.
Perhaps the earliest works are the
Paley-Zygmund inequality (see for example Kahane (1968, Theorem 3, Chapter 2)),
and Kolmogorov's reverse maximal inequality (see for example Shiryaev (1980,
Chapter 4,
section 2.)) Both give (under an extra assumption) a lower bound on the
probability that a sum of independent, mean zero random variables
exceeds a
fraction of its standard deviation and both may be regarded as a sort
converse to the Chebyshev's inequality.
Next, in 1929, Kolmogorov, proved a
two-sided exponential inequality for sums of independent, mean-zero,
uniformly bounded, random variables (see for example Stout
Theorem 5.2.2) or Ledoux and Talagrand (1991, Lemma 8.1)).
All of these results require some restriction on the nature
of the sequence , and on the size of the level
Hahn and Klass (1997)
obtained very good bounds on one sided tail probabilities for sums
of independent, identically distributed, real valued
random variables. Their
result had no restrictions on the nature of the random variable, or
on the size of the level .
In effect, their
result worked by removing the very large parts of the random variables,
and then using an exponential estimate on the rest.
We will take a similar approach in this paper.
Let us next look at the th moments. Khintchine (1923) gave
an inequality for Rademacher (Bernoulli) sums.
This very important
formula has found extensive applications in analysis and probability.
Khintchine's result was extended
to any sequence of positive or mean zero random variables by
the celebrated result of Rosenthal (1970).
The order of the best constants as
obtained by Johnson, Schechtman and Zinn (1983),
and Pinelis (1994) refined this still further. Now even more precise
results are known, and we refer the reader to
Figiel, Hitczenko, Johnson, Schechtman and Zinn (1997)
(see also Ibragimov and Sharakhmetov (1997)). However, the
problem with all these results is that the constants were not uniformly
bounded as
Khintchine's inequality was generalized independently by
Montgomery and Odlyzko (1988) and Montgomery-Smith (1990). They
were able to give approximate bounds on the tail probability for
Rademacher sums, with no restriction on the level .
Hitczenko (1993) obtained an approximate formula for the
norm of Rademacher sums, where the constants were uniformly bounded
. (A more
precise version of this last result was obtained in Hitczenko-Kwapien
(1994) and it was used to give a simple proof of the lower bound
in Kolmogorov's exponential inequality.)
Continuing in the direction of Montgomery and Odlyzko, Montgomery-Smith and
Gluskin and Kwapien (1995) extended tail and moment estimates
from Rademacher sums to weighted sums of random variables with
logarithmically concave tails (that is,
is convex).
After that, Hitczenko, Montgomery-Smith,
and Oleszkiewicz (1997) treated the case of logarithmically
convex tails
(that is, the
above is concave rather than convex).
It should be
emphasized that in the last paper, the result of
Hahn and Klass (1997) played a critical role.
The breakthrough came with the paper of Lataa (1997), who solved
the problem of finding upper and lower bounds for general
sums of positive or symmetric random variables, with uniform constants
His method made beautiful use of special properties of the function
In a short note, Hitczenko and
Montgomery-Smith (1999) showed how to use Lata
a's result to derive
upper and lower bounds on
tail probabilities. Lata
a's result is the primary
motivation for this paper.
The main tool we will use is the Hoffmann-Jørgensen Inequality. In
fact, we will use a stronger form of this inequality, due to
Klass and Nowicki (1998).
The principle in many of our proofs is the following idea. Given
a sequence of random variables , we choose an appropriate level
. Each random variable
is split into the
, where
, and
. It turns out that the
can either be disregarded, or it can be
considered as a sequence of disjoint random variables.
(By ``disjoint'' we mean that the random variables are disjointly
supported as functions on the underlying probability space.) As for the
, it will turn out that the level
allows one
to apply the Hoffmann-Jørgensen/Klass-Nowicki Inequality so that it may
be compared with
quantities that we understand rather better.
Let us give an outline of this paper. In Section 2, we will give
definitions. This will include the notion of decreasing rearrangement,
that is, the inverse to the distribution function. Many results of
this paper will be written in terms of the decreasing rearrangement.
Section 3 is devoted to the Klass-Nowicki Inequality.
Since our result is
slightly stronger than that currently in the literature, we will
include a full proof.
In Section 4, we will introduce and discuss the
Lévy property. This will include a ``reduced comparison principle''
for sequences with this property.
Section 5 contains the formula for the tail distribution of sums of
valued random variables.
Then in Section 6, we demonstrate the connection between -norms
of such sums and their tail distributions.
In Section 7 we will discuss sums of independent random variables in
rearrangement invariant spaces.