Rearrangement invariant spaces are studied in much of the literature, see for example Lindenstrauss and Tzafriri (1977). However, we will work with a definition that is a little less restrictive. A rearrangement invariant space on the random variables is a quasi-normed Banach space of random variables such that , and if and , then and . Obviously the spaces for are rearrangement invariant spaces.
Given a rearrangement invariant space , we define the quasi-constant of to be the least constant such that for all . Notice that if , and , then may be written as the sum of two disjoint random variables and with , and hence .
Given two rearrangement invariant spaces and , we will say that embeds into if there is a positive constant such that if , then and . We will call the least such the embedding constant of into .
Proof: Let us first obtain the left hand side
inequality. It follows by hypothesis that
, where is the embedding constant of into
. Furthermore,
, and by Proposition 2.1,
. Hence
, where is the quasi-constant of .
Now let us obtain the right hand inequality. By Corollary 3.2, we have that there is a universal positive for