Throughout this paper, a random variable will be a measurable function
from a probability space to some Banach space (often the real
line). The norm in the implicit Banach space will always be denoted by
Suppose that
is a non-increasing
function. Define the
left continuous inverse to be
In describing the tail distribution of a random variable , instead
of considering
the function
, we will
consider its right continuous inverse, which we will denote by
In fact, this
quantity appears very much in the literature, and is more commonly
referred to as the decreasing rearrangement
(or more correctly the non-increasing rearrangement)
. Notice that if one considers
to be a random variable on the
probability space
(with Lebesgue measure),
has exactly the same law as
We might also consider the left continuous inverse
. Notice that
if and only if
If and
are two quantities (that may depend upon certain
parameters), we will write
to mean that there exist
positive constants
such that
. We will call
the constants of approximation. If
are two (usually non-increasing) functions on
, we will write
if there exist
positive constants
such that
for all
. Again, we
will call
the constants of
Suppose that and
are random variables. Then the statement
is the same as the
. Since
the latter statement is equivalent to
the existence of positive constants
such that
To avoid bothersome convergence problems, we will always suppose that
our sequence of independent random variables is of finite
length. Given a sequence of independent random variables
, when
confusion will arise, we will use the following notations. If
is a
subset of
, we will let
, and
. If
is a positive integer, then
. We will
define the maximal function
. Furthermore,
, and
, where
is the length of the sequence
If is a real number, we will write
, we will write
Similarly we define
, etc.
Another quantity that we shall care about is the decreasing
rearrangement of the disjoint sum of random variables.
This notion was used by Johnson, Maurey,
Schechtman and Tzafriri (1979), Carothers and Dilworth (1988),
and Johnson and Schechtman (1989), all in the context of sums of
independent random variables.
The disjoint
sum of the sequence is the measurable function on the measure
that takes
. We shall denote the decreasing rearrangement of
the disjoint sum by
, that is,
is the least number such that
Proof: The first inequality follows easily
once one notices that both sides of this inequality are zero if .
To get the second inequality, note that, by an easy argument, if ,
, then