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Homomorphism theorems

We continue with the notation of the previous section: $ G$ is a locally compact abelian group, $ \Gamma$ the dual group of $ G$, $ P$ is a measurable order on $ \Gamma$, $ T$ is a sup path attaining representation of $ G$ acting on $ M(\Sigma)$. Associated with $ P$ is a collection of homomorphisms $ \psi_\alpha$, as described by Theorem 2.1. Let $ \phi_\alpha$ denote the adjoint of $ \psi_\alpha$. Thus, $ \phi_\alpha$ is a continuous homomorphism of $ \Bbb R$ into $ G$. By composing the representation $ T$ with the $ \phi_\alpha$, we define a new representation $ T_{\phi_\alpha}$ of $ \Bbb R$ acting on $ M(\Sigma)$ by: $ t\in \Bbb R\mapsto T_{\phi_\alpha(t)}$. If $ \mu$ in $ M(\Sigma)$ is weakly measurable with respect to $ T$ then $ \mu$ is also weakly measurable with respect to $ T_{\phi_\alpha}$. We will further suppose that $ T_{\phi_\alpha}$ is sup path attaining for each $ \alpha$. This is the case with the representations of Example 1.7.

Our goal in this section is to relate the notion of analyticity with respect to $ T$ to the notion of analyticity with respect to $ T_{\phi_\alpha}$. More generally, suppose that $ G_1$ and $ G_2$ are two locally compact abelian groups with dual groups $ \Gamma_1$ and $ \Gamma_2$, respectively. Let

$\displaystyle \psi: \Gamma_1\rightarrow \Gamma_2$

be a continuous homomorphism, and let $ \phi:\ G_2\rightarrow G_1$ denote its adjoint homomorphism. Suppose $ \nu$ is in $ M(G_2)$. We define a Borel measure $ \Phi(\nu)$ in $ M(G_1)$ on the Borel subsets $ A$ of $ G_1$ by:

(21) $\displaystyle \Phi(\nu)(A)=\int_{G_2} 1_A\circ \phi(t)\,d\nu(t)= \int_{G_1} 1_A d\Phi(\nu),$

where $ 1_A$ is the indicator function of $ A$. We have $ \Vert\Phi(g)\Vert _{M(G_1)}=\Vert\nu\Vert _{M(G_2)}$ and, for every Borel measurable bounded function $ f$ on $ G_1$, we have

(22) $\displaystyle \int_{G_1} f d\Phi(\nu)= \int_{G_2} f\circ \phi(t)\,d \nu (t).$

In particular, if $ f=\chi$, a character in $ \Gamma$, then

(23) $\displaystyle \widehat{\Phi(\nu)}(\chi)=\int_{G_1} \overline{\chi} d\Phi(\nu)=\... =\int_{G_2} \overline{\psi(\chi)}(t)\, d\nu(t)=\widehat{\nu}(\psi(\chi)),$

where $ \psi$ is the adjoint homomorphism of $ \phi$. So,

(24) $\displaystyle \widehat{\Phi(\nu)}=\widehat{\nu}\circ \psi.$

Our first result is a very useful fact from spectral synthesis of bounded functions. The proof uses in a crucial way the fact that the representation is sup path attaining, or, more precisely, satisfies the property in Proposition 1.4.

Lemma 4.1   Suppose that $ T$ is a sup path attaining representation of $ G_1$ acting on $ M(\Sigma)$, $ \phi$ is a continuous homomorphism of $ G_2$ into $ G_1$ such that $ T_\phi$ is a sup path attaining representation of $ G_2$. Suppose that $ B$ is a nonempty closed $ S$-subset of $ \Gamma_1$ and that $ \mu$ is in $ M(\Sigma)$ with $ {\rm spec}_T\mu\subset B$. Suppose that $ C$ is an $ S$-subset of $ \Gamma_2$ and $ \psi(B)\subset C$. Then $ {\rm spec}_{T_\phi}\mu\subset C$.

Proof.    Since $ C$ is an $ S$-subset of $ \Gamma_2$, it is enough to show that for every ` $ A\in \Sigma$, $ {\rm spec}_{T_\phi}(x\mapsto T_{\phi(x)}\mu(A))\subset C$, by Proposition 3.7. For this purpose, it is enough by [21, Theorem (40.8)], to show that

$\displaystyle g*T_{\phi(\cdot)}\mu(A)=0$

for every $ g$ in $ L^1(G_2)$ with $ \widehat{g}= 0$ on $ C$. For $ r\in G_2$ and $ x\in G_1$, consider the measure

$\displaystyle T_x(g*_{T_\phi}T_{\phi(r)}\mu)=

For $ A\in \Sigma$, we have
  $\displaystyle g*_{T_\phi} T_{x+\phi(r)}\mu(A)$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \int_GT_{-t+x}(T_{\phi(r)}\mu)(A)\,d\Phi(g)(t)$
    $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \Phi(g)*[t\mapsto T_t(T_{\phi(r)}\mu)(A)](x)$
    $\displaystyle =$ 0

for almost all $ x\in G_1$. To justify the last equality, we appeal to Proposition 3.3 and note that $ \widehat{\Phi(g)}=\widehat{g}\circ \psi$ and so $ \widehat{\Phi(g)}=0$ on $ B\subset \psi^{-1}(C)$. Moreover, $ \sigma[t\mapsto T_t(T_{\phi(r)}\mu)(A)]
\subset {\rm spec}_T(\mu)\subset B$. Now, using Proposition 1.4 and the fact that, for every $ A\in \Sigma$,

$\displaystyle T_x[g*_{T_\phi}
T_{\phi(r)}]\mu(A) =g*_{T_\phi}T_{x+\phi(r)}\mu(A)=0,$

for almost all $ x\in G_1$, we conclude that the measure $ g*_{T_\phi}
T_{\phi(r)}\mu$ is the zero measure, which completes the proof.

Given $ {\cal C}$, a collection of elements in $ L^1(G_1)$ or $ M(G_1)$, let

$\displaystyle Z({\cal C})=\bigcap_{\delta\in {\cal C}}
\chi:\ \widehat{\delta}(\chi)=0\right\}.$

This is the same notation for the zero set of an ideal in $ L^1(G)$ that we introduced in Section 1. Given a set of measures $ {\cal S}$ in $ M(G_2)$, let

$\displaystyle \Phi({\cal S})=\left\{
\Phi(\nu):\ \nu \in {\cal S}\right\}\subset M(G_1).$

Lemma 4.2   In the above notation, if $ \mu\in M(\Sigma)$ is weakly measurable, then

$\displaystyle Z\left( \Phi({\cal I}_{T_\phi}\mu)\right)=
Z ({\cal I}_{T_\phi}\mu)\right)=
{\rm spec}_{T_\phi}\mu\right).

Proof. It is enough to establish the first equality; the second one follows from definitions. We have

  $\displaystyle Z\left( \Phi({\cal I}_{T_\phi}\mu)\right)$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \bigcap_{\delta\in \Phi({\cal I}_{T_\phi}(\mu)) }
\chi\in \Gamma:\ \widehat{\delta}(\chi)=0\right\}$
    $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \bigcap_{g \in {\cal I}_{T_\phi}(\mu) }
\chi\in \Gamma:\ \widehat{\Phi(g)}(\chi)=0\right\}$
    $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \bigcap_{g \in {\cal I}_{T_\phi}(\mu) }
\chi\in \Gamma:\
\widehat{g }(\psi(\chi))=0\right\}$
    $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \bigcap_{g \in {\cal I}_{T_\phi}(\mu) }
\psi^{-1}\left( Z(g) \right)$
    $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \psi^{-1}\left(
\bigcap_{g \in {\cal I}_{T_\phi}(\mu) }
\left( Z(g) \right)\right)$
    $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \psi^{-1}\left(
Z \left( {\cal I}_{T_\phi}(\mu)
=\psi^{-1}\left({\rm spec}_{T_\phi}\mu\right).$

Lemma 4.3   Suppose that $ C$ is a nonempty closed $ S$-subset of $ \Gamma_2$ and that $ \psi^{-1}(C)$ is an $ S$-subset of $ \Gamma_1$. Suppose that $ \mu$ is in $ M(\Sigma)$ and $ {\rm spec}_{T_\phi}(\mu)\subset C$. Then $ {\rm spec}_T\mu\subset \psi^{-1}(C)$.

Proof.     We will use the notation of Lemma 4.2. If $ f\in {\cal I}_{T_\phi}(\mu)$ and $ t\in G_1$, then $ f\in {\cal I}_{T_\phi}(T_t \mu)$. So, for $ A\in \Sigma$, we have $ f*_{T_\phi}(T_t\mu)(A)=0$. But

  $\displaystyle f*_{T_\phi}(T_t\mu)(A)$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \int_\Bbb RT_{t-\phi(x)}\mu(A)f(x)\, dx$
    $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \int_G T_{t- x }\mu(A)\, d\Phi(f),$

where $ \Phi(f)$ is the homomorphic image of the measure $ f(x)\,dx$. Hence, $ \Phi(f) \in {\cal I}_T ([t\mapsto T_t\mu(A)])$, and so $ \Phi({\cal I}_{T_\phi}(\mu))\subset
{\cal I}_T([t\mapsto T_t\mu(A)])$, which implies that

$\displaystyle Z\left(\Phi({\cal I}_{T_\phi}(\mu))\right)\supset
Z\left({\cal I}_T([t\mapsto T_t\mu(A)])\right)
={\rm spec}_T(t\mapsto T_t\mu(A)).$

By Lemma 4.2,

$\displaystyle Z\left(\Phi({\cal I}_{T_\phi}(\mu))\right)=
{\rm spec}_{T_\phi}\mu
\right)\subset \psi^{-1}(C).$

Hence, $ {\rm spec}_T(t\mapsto T_t\mu(A))\subset \psi^{-1}(C)$ for all $ A\in \Sigma$, which by Proposition 3.7 implies that $ {\rm spec}_T(\mu)\subset \psi^{-1}(C)$.

Taking $ G_1=G,\ G_2=\Bbb R$ and $ \psi=\psi_\alpha$ to be one of the homomorphisms in Theorem 2.1, and using the fact that $ [0,\infty[$, $ S_\alpha$, $ C_\alpha\setminus D_\alpha$ are all $ S$-sets, we obtain useful relationships between different types of analyticity.

Theorem 4.4   Let $ G$ be a locally compact abelian group with ordered dual group $ \Gamma$, and let $ P$ denote a measurable order on $ \Gamma$. Suppose that $ T$ is a sup path attaining representation of $ G$ by isomorphisms of $ M(\Sigma)$, such that $ T_{\phi_\alpha}$ is sup path attaining, where $ \phi_\alpha$ is the adjoint of $ \psi_\alpha$ in Theorem 2.1.
(i) If $ \mu\in M(\Sigma)$ and $ {\rm spec}_T(\mu)\subset C_\alpha\setminus D_\alpha$. Then

$\displaystyle {\rm spec}_T(\mu)\subset S_\alpha\Leftrightarrow
{\rm spec}_{T_{\phi_\alpha}}(\mu)\subset [0,\infty[.$

(ii) If $ \mu\in M(\Sigma)$ and $ {\rm spec}_T(\mu)\subset C_{\alpha_0}$. Then

$\displaystyle {\rm spec}_T(\mu)\subset S_{\alpha_0}\Leftrightarrow
{\rm spec}_{T_{\phi_{\alpha_0}}}(\mu)\subset [0,\infty[.$

We can use the representation $ T_\phi$ to convolve a measure $ \nu\in M(G_2)$ with $ \mu\in M(G_1)$:

$\displaystyle \nu*_{T_\phi}\mu(A)=\int_{G_2}T_{-\phi(x)}\mu(A)d\nu(x)=\int_{G_2}\mu(A-\phi(x))\,d\nu(x) ,$

for all Borel $ A\subset G_1$.

Alternatively, we can convolve $ \Phi(\nu)$ in the usual sense of [20, Definition 19.8] with $ \mu$ to yield another measure in $ M(G_1)$, defined on the Borel subsets of $ G_1$ by

$\displaystyle \Phi(\nu)*\mu(A)=\int_{G_1}\int_{G_1}1_A(x+y)d\Phi(\nu)(x)d\mu(y).$

Using (22), we find that
  $\displaystyle \Phi(\nu)*\mu(A)$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \int_{G_1}\int_{G_2}1_A(\phi(t)+y)d\nu(t)d\mu(y)$
    $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \int_{G_2}\mu(A-\phi(t))d\nu(t)
=\nu *_{T_\phi}\mu(A).$


(25) $\displaystyle \Phi(\nu)*\mu=\nu*_{T_\phi}\mu.$

We end the section with homomorphism theorems, which complement the well-known homomorphism theorems for $ L^p$-multipliers (see Edwards and Gaudry [11, Appendix B]). In these theorems, we let $ G_1$ act on $ M(G_1)$ by translation. That is, if $ \mu\in M(G_1)$, $ x\in G_1$, and $ A$ is a Borel subset of $ G_1$, then

$\displaystyle T_x\mu(A)=\mu(A+x).$

Let $ \phi:\ G_2\rightarrow G_1$ be a continuous homomorphism. By Example 1.3, $ T$ and $ T_\phi$ are sup path attaining. (Recall that if $ t\in G_2$, $ \mu\in M(G_1)$, then $ T_{\phi(t)}\mu(A)=\mu(A+\phi(t))$.) A simple exercise with definitions shows that for $ \mu\in M(G_1)$

$\displaystyle {\rm spec}_T\mu={\rm supp}\widehat{\mu}.$

Theorem 4.5   Suppose that $ \Gamma_1$ and $ \Gamma_2$ contain measurable orders $ P_1$ and $ P_2$, respectively, and $ \psi:\ \Gamma_1\rightarrow \Gamma_2$ is a continuous, order-preserving homomorphism (that is, $ \psi(\overline{P_1})\subset \overline{P_2}$). Suppose that there is a positive constant $ N(\nu)$ such that for all $ f\in H^1(G_2)$

(26) $\displaystyle \Vert\nu*f\Vert _1\leq N(\nu)\Vert f\Vert _1.$


(27) $\displaystyle \Vert\Phi(\nu)*\mu\Vert\leq N(\nu)\Vert\mu\Vert$

for all Borel measures in $ M(G_1)$ such that $ \widehat{\mu}$ is supported in $ \overline{P_1}$.

Proof.    We have $ \Phi(\nu)*\mu=\nu*_{T_\phi}\mu$. Also $ \overline{P_2}$ is a $ {\cal T}$-set. So (27) will follow from Theorem 1.8 once we show that $ {\rm spec}_{T_\phi}\mu\subset \overline{P_2}$. For that purpose, we use Lemma 4.1. We have

$\displaystyle {\rm spec}_T\mu ={\rm supp}\widehat{\mu}\subset \overline{P_1},$

and $ \psi(\overline{P_1})\subset \overline{P_2}$ is an $ S$-set. Hence $ {\rm spec}_{T_\phi}\mu\subset \overline{P_2}$ by Lemma 4.1.

The following special case of Theorem 4.5 deserves a separate statement.

Theorem 4.6   With the above notation, suppose that there is a positive constant $ N(\nu)$ such that for all $ f\in H^1(G_2)$

(28) $\displaystyle \Vert\nu*f\Vert _1\leq N(\nu)\Vert f\Vert _1.$

Then for all $ f\in H^1(G_1)$ we have

(29) $\displaystyle \Vert\Phi(\nu)*f\Vert _1\leq N(\nu)\Vert f\Vert _1.$

Theorem 4.7   Suppose that there is a positive constant $ N(\nu)$ such that for all $ f\in H^1(\Bbb R)$

(30) $\displaystyle \Vert\nu*f\Vert _1\leq N(\nu)\Vert f\Vert _1.$

Then for all $ \mu\in M(G)$ with support of $ \widehat{\mu}$ contained in $ C_\alpha\setminus D_\alpha$, where $ \alpha< \alpha_0$, we have

(31) $\displaystyle \Vert\Phi_\alpha(\nu)*\mu\Vert _1\leq N(\nu)\Vert\mu\Vert.$

Proof.    The proof is very much like the proof of Theorem 4.5. We have $ \Phi_\alpha (\nu)*\mu=\nu*_{T_\phi}\mu$. Apply Theorem 1.8, taking into consideration that

$\displaystyle {\rm spec}_T\mu={\rm supp}\widehat{\mu}\subset C_\alpha\setminus D_\alpha$

is an $ S$-set and so

$\displaystyle {\rm spec}_{T_{\phi_\alpha}}\mu\subset \psi_\alpha(C_\alpha\setminus D_\alpha)\subset [0,\infty[.$

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Stephen Montgomery-Smith 2002-10-30