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Orders on locally compact abelian groups

An order $ P$ on $ \Gamma$ is a subset that satisfies the three axioms: $ P+P\subset P$; $ P\cup (-P)=\Gamma$; and $ P\cap (-P)-\{0\}$. We recall from [1] the following property of orders.

Theorem 2.1   Let $ P$ be a measurable order on $ \Gamma$. There are a totally ordered set $ \Pi$ with largest element $ \alpha_0$; a chain of subgroups $ \{C_\alpha\}_{\alpha\in\Pi}$ of $ \Gamma$; and a collection of continuous real-valued homomorphisms $ \{\psi_\alpha\}_{\alpha\in\Pi}$ on $ \Gamma$ such that:
(i) for each $ \alpha\in\Pi$, $ C_\alpha$ is an open subgroup of $ \Gamma$;
(ii) $ C_\alpha\subset C_\beta$ if $ \alpha > \beta$.
Let $ D_\alpha=\{\chi\in C_\alpha:\ \psi_\alpha(\chi)=0\}$. Then, for every $ \alpha\in\Pi$,
(iii) $ \psi_\alpha(\chi)>0$ for every $ \chi\in P\cap (C_\alpha\setminus D_\alpha)$,
(iv) $ \psi_\alpha(\chi)<0$ for every $ \chi\in
(-P)\cap (C_\alpha\setminus D_\alpha).$
(v) When $ \Gamma$ is discrete, $ C_{\alpha_0}=\{0\}$; and when $ \Gamma$ is not discrete, $ D_{\alpha_0}$ has empty interior and is locally null.

When $ \Gamma$ is discrete, Theorem 2.1 can be deduced from the proof of Hahn's Embedding Theorem for orders (see [13, Theorem 16, p.59]). The general case treated in Theorem 2.1 accounts for the measure theoretic aspect of orders. The proof is based on the study of orders of Hewitt and Koshi [18].

For $ \alpha\in\Pi$ with $ \alpha\neq\alpha_0$, let

(11) $\displaystyle S_\alpha\equiv P\cap (C_\alpha \setminus D_\alpha)$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \left\{
\chi\in C_\alpha\setminus D_\alpha:\ \ \psi_\alpha(\chi)\geq 0\right\}$
(12)   $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \left\{
\chi\in C_\alpha :\ \ \psi_\alpha(\chi)> 0\right\}.$

For $ \alpha=\alpha_0$, set

(13) $\displaystyle S_{\alpha_0}=\left\{ \chi\in C_{\alpha_0}:\ \ \psi_{\alpha_0}(\chi)\geq 0\right\}.$

Note that when $ \Gamma$ is discrete, $ C_{\alpha_0}=\{0\}$, and so $ S_{\alpha_0}=\{0\}$ in this case.

If $ A$ is a subset of a topological space, we will use $ \overline{A}$ and $ A^\circ$ to denote the closure, respectively, the interior of $ A$.

Remarks 2.2   (a) It is a classical fact that a group $ \Gamma$ can be ordered if and only if it is torsion-free. Also, an order on $ \Gamma$ is any maximal positively linearly independent set. Thus, orders abound in torsion-free abelian groups, as they can be constructed using Zorn's Lemma to obtain a maximal positively linearly independent set. (See [18, Section 2].) However, if we ask for measurable orders, then we are restricted in many ways in the choices of $ P$ and also the topology on $ \Gamma$. As shown in [18], any measurable order on $ \Gamma$ has nonempty interior. Thus, for example, while there are infinitely many orders on $ \Bbb R$, only two are Lebesgue measurable: $ P=[0,\infty [$, and $ P=]-\infty,0]$. It is also shown in [18, Theorem (3.2)] that any order on an infinite compact torsion-free abelian group is non-Haar measurable. This effectively shows that if $ \Gamma$ contains a Haar-measurable order $ P$, and we use the structure theorem for locally compact abelian groups to write $ \Gamma$ as $ \Bbb R^a\times \Delta$, where $ \Delta$ contains a compact open subgroup [20, Theorem (24.30)], then either $ a$ is a positive integer, or $ \Gamma$ is discrete. (See [1].)
(b) The subgroups $ (C_\alpha)$ are characterized as being the principal convex subgroups in $ \Gamma$ and for each $ \alpha\in\Pi$, we have

$\displaystyle D_\alpha=\bigcup_{\beta>\alpha}C_\beta.$

Consequently, we have $ C_\alpha\subset D_\beta$ if $ \beta <\alpha$. By construction, the sets $ C_\alpha$ are open. For $ \alpha< \alpha_0$, the subgroup $ D_\alpha$ has nonempty interior, since it contains $ C_\beta$, with $ \alpha<\beta$. Hence for $ \alpha\neq\alpha_0$, $ D_\alpha$ is open and closed. Consequently, for $ \alpha\neq\alpha_0$, $ C_\alpha\setminus D_\alpha$ is open and closed.

(c) Let $ \psi:\ \Gamma_1\rightarrow \Gamma_2$ be a continuous homomorphism between two ordered groups. We say that $ \psi$ is order-preserving if $ \psi(P_1)\subset P_2$. Consequently, if $ \psi$ is continuous and order preserving, then $ \psi(\overline{P_1})\subset \overline{P_2}$.

For each $ \alpha\in\Pi$, let $ \pi_\alpha$ denote the quotient homomorphism $ \Gamma\rightarrow \Gamma/C_\alpha$. Because $ C_\alpha$ is a principal subgroup, we can define an order on $ \Gamma/C_\alpha$ by setting $ \psi_\alpha(\chi)\geq 0\Longleftrightarrow
\chi\geq 0$. Moreover, the principal convex subgroups in $ \Gamma/C_\alpha$ are precisely the images by $ \pi_\alpha$ of the principal convex subgroups of $ \Gamma$ containing $ C_\alpha$. (See [1, Section 2].)

We end this section with a useful property of orders.

Proposition 2.3   Let $ P$ be a measurable order on $ \Gamma$. Then $ \overline{P}$ is a $ {\cal T}$-set.

Proof.    If $ \Gamma$ is discrete, there is nothing to prove. If $ \Gamma$ is not discrete, the subgroup $ C_{\alpha_0}$ is open and nonempty. Hence the set $ C_{\alpha_0}\cap \{\chi\in \Gamma:\psi_{\alpha_0}
(\chi)>0\}$ is nonempty, with 0 as a limit point. Given an open nonempty neighborhood $ U$ of 0, let

$\displaystyle W=U\cap C_{\alpha_0}\cap \{\chi\in \Gamma:\psi_{\alpha_0}

Then $ W$ is a nonempty subset of $ U\cap P$. Moreover, it is easy to see that $ W+\overline{P}\subset P\subset \overline{P}$, and hence $ \overline{P}$ is a $ {\cal T}$-set.

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Stephen Montgomery-Smith 2002-10-30