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Sup Path Attaining Representations

We first note that for a sup path attaining representation $ T$ of $ G$ we have

$\displaystyle \Vert \mu\Vert \leq C\sup \left\{ {\rm ess\ sup}_{t\in G} \left\v...
... h {\rm\ is\ a\ simple\ function\ with\ }\ \Vert h\Vert _\infty\leq 1 \right\}.$ (11)

To see this, note that for any bounded measurable function $ h$, there exist a sequence of simple functions $ s_n$ that converge uniformly to $ h$. Then it is easy to see that

$\displaystyle {\rm ess\ sup}_{t\in G} \left\vert
\int_\O s_n d (T_t\mu)
{\rm ess\ sup}_{t\in G} \left\vert
\int_\O h d (T_t\mu)
\right\vert ,$

and from this (11) follows easily.

Our first example is related to the setting of Forelli [9].

Example 2.1   Let $ G$ be a locally compact abelian group. Suppose that $ \Omega$ is a topological space and $ \left( T_t\right)_{t\in G}$ is a group of homeomorphisms of $ \Omega$ onto itself such that the mapping

$\displaystyle (t,\omega)\mapsto T_t\omega$

is jointly continuous. Suppose that $ {\cal A}$ is an algebra of bounded continuous complex valued functions on $ \Omega$ such that if $ h \in {\cal A}$, and if $ \varphi:\mathbb{C}\to\mathbb{C}$ is any bounded continuous function, and if $ t\in G$, then $ \varphi\circ h\circ T_t\in {\cal A}$. Let $ \sigma({\cal A})$ denote the minimal sigma-algebra so that functions from $ {\cal A}$ are measurable. For any measure $ \mu\in M(\sigma({\cal A}))$, and $ A\in \sigma({\cal A})$, define $ T_t \mu(A) = \mu(T_t(A))$, where $ T_t(A)=\{T_t\omega:\ \omega\in A\}$. Note that $ T$ satisfies (1) and (3). To discuss the weak measurability of $ \mu$, and the sup path attaining property of $ T$, we need that for each $ h \in {\cal A}$ that the map $ t \mapsto \int_\Omega h \, d(T_t\mu)$ is continuous. This crucial property follows for any measure $ \mu\in M(\sigma({\cal A}))$, by the dominated convergence theorem, if, for example, $ G$ is metrizable. For arbitrary locally compact abelian groups, it is enough to require that $ \mu$ has sigma-compact support.

Henceforth, we assume that $ G$ is metrizable, or that $ \mu\in M(\sigma({\cal A}))$ has sigma-compact support, and proceed to show that $ \mu$ is weakly measurable in the sense of Definition 1.1, and that the representation $ T$ is sup path attaining. Let

$\displaystyle {\cal R}=\{A\in \sigma({\cal A}) :\ 1_A=\lim_n f_n,\ f_n \in {\cal A},\
\Vert f_n\Vert _\infty\leq 1\},$

and let

$\displaystyle {\cal C}=\{A\in \sigma({\cal A}): \ t\mapsto T_t\mu(A)\
{\rm is\ Borel\ measurable}\}.$

Clearly, $ {\cal C}$ is a monotone class, closed under nested unions and intersections. Also, $ {\cal R}$ is an algebra of sets, closed under finite unions and set complementation. Furthermore, it is clear that $ {\cal R}\subset {\cal C}$. Hence, by the monotone class theorem, it follows that $ {\cal C}$ contains the sigma algebra generated by $ {\cal R}$. Now, if $ f\in{\cal A}$ and $ V \subset \mathbb{C}$ is open, then $ f^{-1}(V) \in {\cal R}$, because

$\displaystyle 1_{f^{-1}(V)}(\omega)=
\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} \min \{ n\ {\rm dist}(f(\omega),\mathbb{C}\setminus V)

Consequently, we have that $ {\cal C}= \sigma({\cal A})$, that is, $ \mu$ is weakly measurable.

Next, let us show that $ {\cal A}$ is dense in $ L^1(\vert\mu\vert)$. Let $ g:\Omega\to\mathbb{C}$ be a bounded $ \sigma({\cal A})$-measurable function such that $ \int_\Omega hg\,d\mu = 0$ for all $ h \in {\cal A}$. Define $ {\cal R}$ as above, and let

$\displaystyle {\cal C}= \left\{ A \in \sigma({\cal A}): \int_A g \, d\mu = 0 \right\} .$

Then $ {\cal C}$ is a monotone class containing $ {\cal R}$, and so arguing as before, $ {\cal C}= \sigma({\cal A})$, that is, $ g = 0$ almost everywhere with respect to $ \vert\mu\vert$. Thus it follows by the Hahn-Banach Theorem that $ {\cal A}$ is dense in $ L^1(\vert\mu\vert)$. Hence

$\displaystyle \Vert\mu\Vert
\sup\left\{\left\vert\int_\Omega h \, d\mu \right...
...\, d(T_t\mu)\right\vert : h \in {\cal A},\ \Vert h\Vert _\infty \le 1\right\} ,$

where the last inequality follows from the fact that the map $ t \mapsto \int_\Omega h \, d(T_t\mu)$ is continuous. Hence, $ T$ is sup path attaining with $ C = 1$.

Taking $ {\cal A}$ to be the uniformly continuous functions on a group, we then derive the following useful example.

Example 2.2   Suppose that $ G_1$ and $ G_2$ are locally compact abelian groups and that $ \phi:\ G_2\rightarrow G_1$ is a continuous homomorphism. Define an action of $ G_2$ on $ M(G_1)$ (the regular Borel measures on $ G_1$) by translation by $ \phi$. Hence, for $ x\in G_2, \mu\in M(G_1)$, and any Borel subset $ A\subset G_1$, let $ T_x\mu(A)=\mu(A+\phi(x))$. Then every $ \mu\in M(G_1)$ is weakly measurable, the representation is sup path attaining with constants $ c = 1$ and $ C = 1$.

In the following example no topology is required on the measure space.

Example 2.3   Let $ (X,\Sigma)$ be an abstract Lebesgue space, that is, $ \Sigma$ is countably generated. Then any uniformly bounded representation $ T$ of $ G$ by isomorphisms of $ M(\Sigma)$ is sup path attaining. To see this, note that since $ \Sigma$ is countably generated, there is a countable subset $ {\cal A}$ of the unit ball of $ {\cal L}^\infty(\Sigma)$ such that for any $ \mu\in M(\Sigma)$ we have

$\displaystyle \Vert\mu\Vert =\sup\left\{
\left\vert \int_X h d \mu\right\vert :\ \ h\in
{\cal A}
\right\} .

If $ \mu$ is weakly measurable, then for $ g\in {\cal A}$ and for locally almost all $ u\in G$, we have

$\displaystyle \left\vert \int_X g d (T_u \mu) \right\vert \leq {\rm ess\ sup}_{t\in G} \left\vert \int_X g d (T_t \mu) \right\vert.$ (12)

Since $ {\cal A}$ is countable we can find a subset $ B$ of $ G$ such that the complement of $ B$ is locally null, and such that (12) holds for every $ u\in B$ and all $ g\in {\cal A}$. For $ u\in B$, take the sup in (12) over all $ g\in {\cal A}$, and get

$\displaystyle \Vert T_u \mu\Vert \leq
\sup_{g\in {\cal A}}
{\rm ess\ sup}_{t\in G}
g d (T_t \mu)

But since $ \Vert\mu\Vert\leq c \Vert T_u \mu\Vert$, it follows that $ T$ is sup path attaining with $ C=c$.

Sup path attaining representations satisfy the following property, which was introduced in [1] and was called hypothesis $ (A)$.

Proposition 2.4   Suppose that $ T$ is sup path attaining and $ \mu$ is weakly measurable such that for every $ A\in \Sigma$ we have

$\displaystyle T_t\mu(A)=0$

for locally almost all $ t\in G$. Then $ \mu=0$.

The proof is immediate and follows from (11).

The key in Proposition 2.4 is that the set of $ t\in G$ for which $ T_t\mu(A)=0$ depends on $ A$. If this set were the same for all $ A\in \Sigma$, then the conclusion of the proposition would trivially hold for any representation by isomorphisms of $ M(\Sigma)$.

For further motivation, we recall the following example from [1].

Example 2.5   (a) Let $ \Sigma$ denote the sigma algebra of countable and co-countable subsets of $ \mathbb{R}$. Define $ \nu\in M(\Sigma)$ by

\nu (A)=\left\{
1 & \mbox{if $A$ is co-countable,}\\
0 & \mbox{if $A$ is countable.}

Let $ \delta_t$ denote the point mass at $ t \in \mathbb{R}$, and take $ \mu=\nu-\delta_0$. Consider the representation $ T$ of $ \mathbb{R}$ given by translation by $ t$. Then:
$ \mu$ is weakly measurable;
$ \Vert\mu\Vert>0$;
$ T_t(\mu)=T_t(\nu-\delta_0)=\nu-\delta_t$;
for every $ A\in \Sigma$, $ T_t(\mu)(A)=0$ for almost all $ t \in \mathbb{R}$.
It now follows from Proposition 2.4 that the representation $ T$ is not sup path attaining.
(b) Let $ \alpha$ be a real number and let $ \Sigma,\ \mu, \nu, \delta_t$, and $ T_t$ have the same meanings as in (a). Define a representation $ T^\alpha$ by

$\displaystyle T_t^\alpha = e^{i\alpha t}T_t.$

Arguing as in (a), it is easy to see that $ T^\alpha$ is not sup path attaining.

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Stephen Montgomery-Smith 2002-10-30