Let us now look in particular at
. We have that
satisfies the heat equation
Therefore also
Our first goal will be to show that the function in Lemma 2.2
uniformly in
This will complete the proof that
is continuous on
, and that
, so that
is indeed a homotopy.
We have that
Using the fact that
has bounded support and
we use the Hölder inequality and end up with
Since it is clear that is the constant function,
the proof of Lemma 2.2 will be complete when we have
shown that
is homotopic to the function whose winding number is
at least if
, and
are small enough.
It is clear that the representation of
has this property.
So let us put
We need to
show that
small enough
to construct a linear homotopy between the representation of
that does not pass through
. We have already shown
this property for
in equation (4.3), at least when
is sufficiently small. So all that remains is to show the following result.
We denote by the part of integral (5.1)
replaced by
, and by
the parts of integral (5.1)
replaced by
namely by
the integral over the inner cylinder, by
over the cylinder
without the inner cylinder, by
the integral over the
outer cylinder
minus the cylinder
and finally by
over the complement of the outer cylinder.
Evidently, since
. Let us now consider
If we rewrite
(in Cartesian components)
into the cylindrical coordinates, we get that it is equal to
The heat kernel is independent of the angle ; after integration over
it the matrix
disappears and from
we are left with integrals of the type
Now the application of the Taylor theorem on the function
Similarly we can estimate ; here
are odd functions in
and thus we get zero after the integration of
For the components
proceed similarly as above and end up with
the following integral