Stephen Montgomery-Smith, Non-linear Instability of periodic orbits of suspensions of thin fibers in fluids. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Volume 313, March 2023, article 105001. This paper is concerned with difficulties encountered by engineers when they attempt to predict the orientation of fibers in the creation of injection molded plastic parts. It is known that Jeffery's equation, which was designed to model a single fiber in an infinite fluid, breaks down very badly when applied, with no modifications, to this situation. In a previous paper, the author described how interactions between the fiber orientation and the viscosity of the suspension might cause instability, which could result in the simple predictions from Jeffery's equation being badly wrong. In this paper, we give some rigorous proofs of instability using Floquet Theory. We also show that to obtain exponential instability, it is insufficient to consider only two dimensions, although linear instability is still possible. (pdf, actual article.)


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